Life with him.


I haven’t done any digital scrapbooking lately, but today I was compelled to do so. Hubby had some fun with his camera while I was at work, and I just had to put it into a Cathy Zielske template. This was really fun to make. Life really is good, and I am always happy to document it. Enjoy!


This is what 45 looks like.

Yep. I was born 45 years ago, today. You know, it’s not really a big deal to me. I feel okay about where I am in my life; my age is just a number, and I don’t feel old at all. I don’t feel that much different today than I felt at 25. Except that I feel better about myself, wiser, a little more confident, and I have a keener sense of direction in life. And I’m not quite as stupid! Sometimes I think that our 20’s are just an extension of our teenage years, except that we can legally drink, and vote. I am so glad I am not there anymore. I like it better, here. As in being 45.

In celebration of today being my day, I did what I love to do best: scrapbook. After finishing some more work on Hubby’s book (title page: check; epilogue: check; statement page: check), I was itching to make a layout for my scrapbook. I have had my eye on one of Ali Edwards’ pages from Valentine’s Day, so today was the day I “scraplifted” it to make a similar page of my own.


It’s been a great day. Happiness to all of you, too!

My get-up-and-go got up and left.

I seem to have misplaced my motivation somewhere. I have been fighting a demon for some time now, and my champion, motivation, is nowhere to be found to help me fight the nasty demon. My demon is better known as laziness……indolence……or sloth. My poor, dear hubby has been trying to get me to the gym for months….but I just don’t want to go. I have zero motivation to exercise. Just looking at this photo makes me tired, and although I do know that I need to go, I just can’t find the get-up to go. I have tried making up a list of reasons why I need to exercise. Did nothing for me. I have tried listening to music to pump me up. Nada. I have tried different exercises that might be more fun. They weren’t. I’ve looked at cute gym clothes, and even cuter regular clothes (in sizes that would never fit because they’re too small) to get me going, but no. Not even that. I just keep telling myself that tomorrow I will try to go to the gym right after work. When that time comes, what crowds out everything else in my mind are the words, “Are you kidding?!!?” I am tired. I feel like I have been exercising for 8 hours already by the time I get off work every day. I work in a huge place where I am on my feet a lot, and walking-usually fast-all over and then some. I swear that if I were to wear a pedometer at work, it would register well over 100 miles….at least it feels that way. So, why would I want to continue on a treadmill at a gym where I am not getting paid? I know, I can hear the cardiologists telling me, “Because what you do at work is not 30 minutes of uninterrupted aerobic exercise at a MET level of at least 10.0. That’s why. Well, I can think of ten more reasons why I can’t do it:

  1. I’m tired.
  2. I’m stressed enough.
  3. My feet hurt.
  4. I’m really, really tired.
  5. My legs hurt, too.
  6. That one last 350 lb. patient I pushed in the wheelchair back to Timbuktu.
  7. I’ve had enough of treadmills for the day.
  8. I forgot my Nike’s at home.
  9. I need to rest.
  10. I’m not just tired, it’s bordering on exhaustion [insert hand to forehead].

All jokes aside, I really do need to find that darned motivation, wherever it’s hiding. I know that I should just do it (thanks, Nike), but push come to shove, I just don’t. Not even meeting my poor, dear hubby at the gym works anymore. I find too many excuses. Well, what excuse am I going to come up with when I am even more over weight, my back is beyond repair, my health is failing, and my energy level has been completely devoured by depression?

Mr. Motivation, wherever you are, please, please help me find you. Give me back that spark; that kick in the butt I desperately need. I won’t betray you, I promise. Please give me another chance…I want to feel good again! And, there are adorable summer clothes that beckon me!